We have done a lot of amazing work over the last two years – and when I say we I mean predominantly the staff and students. As board directors, we set policy and an overarching path – but the real work of our district is done through the care and consideration of staff as well as the thoughtful feedback and push from students. We are who we are because of the people we serve.

Staff raises

Graduation Rates

Academic Recovery

Student Resource Officers (SRO) relationships

Reduced discipline disparities

Opening of 3 new schools

Improved hiring practices – examples: Bus Drivers are full(?) and Diversifying our workforce

Increased mental health supports through grants and community partnerships

Literacy Adoption

Canvas Classic – Coming again October 6th! Mark your calendars

Successful implementation of Universal Pre-K – it’s had rough patches for sure, but our educators have kept their unyielding focus on making sure our youngest students receive the education we’ve promised them.

Expanding CTE offerings and developing space for Futures Lab

Revitalizing Student Advisory Council to get more student voice into decision making

Successful launch of the Strategic Plan

Professional Development for classified staff